

1 Peter — Week 5

1 Peter — Week 4

1 Peter — Week 3

1 Peter — Week 2

1 Peter — Week 1

Women's Training — Women Pursuing Godly Virtues 3/22/24


Building for Cultural Reformation with Dr. John West


James — Week 5


James — Week 4


James — Week 3


James — Week 2


James — Week 1

Evangelism 101 — Week 5 - Dealing With Objections Part 2

Evangelism 101 — Week 4 - Dealing With Objections Part 1

Evangelism 101 — Week 3 - Contextualization... Who are we evangelizing and how are we doing it?

Evangelism 101 — Week 2 - What is the Gospel? What is Evangelism?

Evangelism 101 — Week 1 - Why Evangelism?

How to Disprove Christianity

Did Everything Come From Nothing?

What is the Gospel?

Gravity & Spirituality

What About LGBTQ?

Does My Life Matter?

The Reformation for Today — Reformation Celebration 2023

Short Letters — 3 John

Short Letters — Jude Part Two

Short Letters — Jude Part One

Short Letters — 2 John

Short Letters — Philemon

Philippians 4:2-23

Philippians 3:12-4:1

Philippians 3:1-11

Philippians 2:12-30

Philippians 2:1-11

Philippians 1:19-30

Philippians 1:1-18

Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines: Repentance

Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines: Scripture Reading

Women's Training — Godly Mothers — Fall 2022

Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines: Hospitality

Doctrine & Discipline — Reformation Celebration 2022

Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines: Corporate Worship

Men's Training — Godly Fathers

Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines: Generosity

Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer

Revelation 22

Men's Training — Godly Husbands — Spring 2022

Revelation 21

Revelation 20

Revelation 19

Revelation 18

Women's Training — Godly Wives — Spring 2022

Revelation 17

Revelation 16

Revelation 15

Men's Training — Christ-Shaped Identity — Winter 2022

Revelation 14

Revelation 13

Women's Training — Christ-Shaped Identity — Winter 2022

Revelation 12

Revelation 11

Revelation 10

Revelation 9

Revelation 8

Revelation 7

Men's Training — Godly Fathers — Fall 2021

Revelation 6

Reformation and Resistance — Reformation Celebration 2021

Revelation 5

Revelation 4

Women's Training — Godly Mothers — Fall 2021

Revelation 3

Revelation 2

Revelation 1

Men's Training — Godly Husbands — Summer 2021

Women's Training — Godly Wives — Summer 2021

Bible 101

The Bible as God's Word is His Personal Presence — Class 3

Bible 101

The Bible is God's Redemptive Story — Class 2

Bible 101

The Bible is God's Written Word — Class 1

Jesus 101

Jesus is Lord — Class 3

Men's Training — Christ-Shaped Identity — Winter 2021

Jesus 101

Jesus is Savior — Class 2

Jesus 101

Jesus is God — Class 1

God & Government According to the Word

Gospel, Race, & Social Justice According to the Word

1 John 5:6-21

1 John 4:13-21

1 John 4:7-12

1 John 4:1-6

1 John 3:19-24

1 John 3:11-18

1 John 3:4-10

1 John 2:28-3:3

1 John 2:18–27

1 John 2:12-14

1 John 2:3-11

1 John 1:5-2:2

1 John 1:1-4

Men's Training — Godly Fathers — Fall 2019

Why Should I Believe the New Testament Accounts of Jesus' Resurrection?