Pastor Rusten Harris

Pastor of Youth Community

Rusten leads our Youth Community and also provides teaching/preaching support. He and his wife live in Kingston with their four kids. He loves reading, writing, cooking, feasting, music, and family dance parties.

Episode 107 - Theft, Communism, Property and Good Stewardship - Exodus 20:15

The eighth commandment prohibits theft. This means that God acknowledges personal property. God calls us to respect the property of others while...

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Psalm 73

Truly God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart...

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Episode 106 - Murder, Capital Punishment, Pro-Life, and Just War - Exodus 20:13

The sixth commandment forbids murder. How does this commandment inform our understanding of capital punishment? Or war? In this episode of Sermon...

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Psalm 69

God shall arise, his enemies shall be scattered...

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Episode 105 - God’s Good Design for Sexuality - Exodus 20:14

We live in a world of sexual confusion that has largely ignored the the seventh commandment...

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Pride and the Dissident Prophetic Voice

If you have an iPhone you are probably aware that its default calendar app comes pre-loaded with various holidays...

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Episode 104 - Fathers, Mothers, Government, and Honor - Exodus 20:12

The fifth commandment reveals God's heart for the family. By God's design, the family is the building block of culture and even the foundation of...

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Episode 103 - Work, Sabbath, Rest, and the Lord's Day - Exodus 20:8-11

The fourth commandment isn't just about rest, it is also about work. After a week of work, God called his people to trust in him by resting from...

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Episode 102 - Taking Names, Hypocrisy, and Baptism - Exodus 20:7

What does it mean to "take the name of the Lord your God in vain"? Is this commandment all about language at the construction site? What is the...

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Exodus 20:14

You shall not commit adultery...

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Episode 101 - Graven Images, Christian Art, and Discipling Children - Exodus 20:4–6

Why did God forbid making graven images? Does this include images of Jesus or Christian art? What about Christian traditions that use images in...

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Episode 100 - Cultivating Delight in God and His Law - Exodus 20:1–3

How should Christians approach God's law? Broader evangelicalism tends to think that the law primarily condemns or that Christians should "unhitch"...

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Exodus 20:7

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Episode 99 - Fire on the Mountain and the Holiness of God - Exodus 19

God meeting his people on Mount Sinai is a grand and terrifying event. First comes fire and smoke, then thunder and lightning, and finally the...

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Episode 98 - Jethro, Institutions, and Covenant Theology - Exodus 18

Who is Jethro? Is he a pagan priest who comes to faith in Yahweh, or is he a Gentile believer who already knows God? What does Jethro bless Moses...

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Jesus Came for This Hour

A historian might be tempted to label the crucifixion as just one more tragedy among the heap of historical tragedies...

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SPECIAL EPISODE - Cultural Reformation and Christian Nationalism

How should Christians seek to positively impact their culture for Christ? Instead of only looking to politics, how can Christians work to reform...

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Episode 97 - Water from the Rock and War with Amalek - Exodus 17

After God delivers his people from Egypt, he teaches them to rely on him as their Father by providing food and water in the wilderness. In chapter...

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