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From the Sermon: Daniel 2
Preacher: Pastor Jon Needham
Scripture: Daniel 2
MAIN POINTS: 1) The Question of Meaning 2) The Witness of Daniel 3) The Kingdom of God
In Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar sets an impossible task for all the ‘wise’ people in his kingdom: to not only interpret his dream, but to know what his dream was without him telling them. After all others failed, Daniel boldly proclaimed that there was a God in heaven who could tell him what his dream was and meant. Daniel didn’t shy away from telling the king the truth about God, even though he may have been killed. Daniel interprets the dream and prophesied of the coming kingdom which would stand forever - God’s kingdom.
Family Discussion Questions:
1. What’s something that surprised or confused you about this Bible passage?
2. What big questions about life have you asked yourself or been asked by others?
3. How can you learn from Daniel’s boldness to trust God for providing for him in that moment as well as his boldness to speak of God to the king?
4. How is God’s kingdom different than any other kingdom?
5. Daniel 2 is a call to courage, hope and endurance. Which of these things do you find yourself needing the most and why?
Parent Tip:
· Read the sermon summary together as a family. Build this into your normal routine, perhaps reading together around the table during a meal.
· There are five questions, each with a different theme. You can choose one night a week to go over all five, do a couple questions a few times a week, or discuss one question per day.
· Each question is meant to be a conversation starter. Model for your children how to answer these questions by sharing your own personal insights.
· Even if your conversations don’t go as planned, don’t be discouraged. ALL time spent talking about and reading God’s word is valuable!
· The more consistent you are in having these discussions, the more fruitful they will be. As this becomes part of your weekly rhythm, your kids will anticipate the questions and listen more attentively at church.
Other Scriptures:
- Psalm 2:8-9; 118:22
- Acts 4:11
- Mark 1:14b-15
Parent Tip:
Use these additional scriptures as daily reading. These are also a great way to help your children learn to locate passages in the Bible.
Attribute of God:
KIND: God looks upon his children with tenderness and compassion. He cares about our lives and makes himself known continually.
Parent Tip:
We focus on a new attribute of God each week to discuss as a family. Use this time to discuss who God is, answer questions the kids
might have, and talk about what that week’s attribute means to each person in your family.
Prayer Focus:
COMMUNITY: Spend some time this week praying for your neighbors and for opportunities to love and serve them.
Parent Tip:
Each week of the month has its own prayer theme: Church, Family, Community and Repentance. Use these themes to show your children how to pray. It can be helpful to add this to an already existing routine like at bedtime or when you’re in the car together.
**For further study on the book of Daniel, you can purchase a helpful book in the foyer by Jon Nielson, Daniel: Faith Enduring through Adversity.

All Glory be to Christ
Should nothing of our efforts stand,
no legacy survive,
Unless the Lord does raise the house,
in vain its builders strive.
To you who boast tomorrow’s gain,
tell me what is your life?
A mist that vanishes at dawn,
all glory be to Christ!
All glory be to Christ the King!
All glory be to Christ!
His rule and reign we’ll ever sing,
All glory be to Christ!
His will be done, His kingdom come
on earth as is above,
Who is Himself our daily bred,
praise Him the Lord of love.
Let living water satisfy
the thirsty without price.
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,
all glory be to Christ!
When on the day the great I AM,
the faithful and the true,
The Lamb who was for sinners slain
is making all things new.
Behold our God shall live with us
and be our steadfast Light!
And we shall ere His people be,
all glory be to Christ!
Parent Tip:
Each month we highlight a different song for you to sing together. Singing is an integral part of worship! Singing as a family helps teach the kids how to worship at church, and as they learn more songs, they will be able to participate more on Sunday mornings. You can practice your songs in the car, at the dinner table, when you wake up, or at bedtime! You can also check out our playlist on Spotify and sing along with your favorite worship songs.
Memory Verse:
Isaiah 40:31
“but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”
Parent Tip:
This is the same memory verse that the whole church is learning and it rotates monthly. Practice reciting it as a family each day at least once. Dinner time is a great opportunity to practice together.
New City Catechism:
Questions 22: Why must the Redeemer be truly man?
Answer: That in human nature he might on our behalf perfectly obey the whole law and suffer the punishment for human sin.