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From the Sermon: Psalm 57
Preacher: Pastor Brandon Johnston
Scripture: Psalm 57
MAIN POINTS: 1)Confidence in the Covenant 2) God is Sovereign over the
Wicked, and 3) A Song of Thanksgiving
As we conclude our summer Psalm series with Psalm 57, David shows us what it
looks like to trust in God’s promises even when things seem hopeless. God is bigger
than our problems, God is faithful through our trials, and God will fulfill every
promise he has made.
Family Discussion Questions:
1. What’s something that surprised or confused you about this Bible passage?
2. How does the truth that God keeps his promises give you hope in trials?
3. In what ways have you experienced God using trials or hard times for your
4. When you are anxious, fearful, or depressed, in what ways can singing songs to
Jesus help your soul?
5. Take some time to pray for those in the church who are experiencing
anxiousness, fear, depression, trials and challenges. Ask God to remind them of
his promises and to strengthen their faith and love in him.
Parent Tip:
· Read the sermon summary together as a family. Build this into your normal routine, perhaps reading together around the table during a meal.
· There are five questions, each with a different theme. You can choose one night a week to go over all five, do a couple questions a few times a week, or discuss one question per day.
· Each question is meant to be a conversation starter. Model for your children how to answer these questions by sharing your own personal insights.
· Even if your conversations don’t go as planned, don’t be discouraged. ALL time spent talking about and reading God’s word is valuable!
· The more consistent you are in having these discussions, the more fruitful they will be. As this becomes part of your weekly rhythm, your kids will anticipate the questions and listen more attentively at church.
Other Scriptures:
- Exodus 19:2-6
- Deuteronomy 32:10-11
- Psalm 33:10
Parent Tip:
Use these additional scriptures as daily reading. These are also a great way to help your children learn to locate passages in the Bible.
Attribute of God:
REFUGE: God is an ever present help in trouble and there is nothing or no one that can win against God. Because of Jesus, it is indeed well with our souls no matter what trials come our way.
Parent Tip:
We focus on a new attribute of God each week to discuss as a family. Use this time to discuss who God is, answer questions the kids
might have, and talk about what that week’s attribute means to each person in your family.
Prayer Focus:
FAMILY: Spend some time this week praying for the spiritual growth and maturity of your family.
Parent Tip:
Each week of the month has its own prayer theme: Church, Family, Community and Repentance. Use these themes to show your children how to pray. It can be helpful to add this to an already existing routine like at bedtime or when you’re in the car together.

How Great Thou Art
Oh Lord, my God, when I in awesome
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to
How great Thou art, how great Thou
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to
How great Thou art, how great Thou
And when I think, that God His Son not
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
That on the cross, my burden gladly
He bled and died, to take away my sin
When Christ shall come, with shouts of
And take me home, what joy shall fill my
Then I shall boy, in humble adoration
And there proclaim, “My God, how great
Thou art!”
Parent Tip:
Each month we highlight a different song for you to sing together. Singing is an integral part of worship! Singing as a family helps teach the kids how to worship at church, and as they learn more songs, they will be able to participate more on Sunday mornings. You can practice your songs in the car, at the dinner table, when you wake up, or at bedtime! You can also check out our playlist on Spotify and sing along with your favorite worship songs.
Memory Verse:
2 Timothy 2:15
“Do your best to present yourself to
God as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed, rightly
handling the word of truth. ’”
Parent Tip:
This is the same memory verse that the whole church is learning and it rotates monthly. Practice reciting it as a family each day at least once. Dinner time is a great opportunity to practice together.
New City Catechism:
Questions 18: Will God allow our disobedience and idolatry to go unpunished?
Answer: No, God is righteously angry with our sins and will punish them both in this life, and in the life to come.