Advent Devotionals & Liturgies


During Christmastime, churches often refer to the Advent season. Advent is an English word that comes from the Latin term adventus, which literally means “coming” or “arrival.” The Advent season starts four Sundays before Christmas and it serves as a time for God’s people to remember their story… a story of waiting, longing, and promises.

As early as the Garden of Eden, the promise of salvation came to God’s people. They waited and longed for the day of God’s salvation. On Christmas, we celebrate the salvation of God that has come through Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, who was and is the long-awaited promise from God to save his people from their sin. Advent is a season of waiting, longing, and hopeful expectations upon the promises of God.

This Advent devotional is to be used as a resource in our waiting, longing, and hopeful expectations this Christmas. For each week of Advent, you will find a Scripture, devotional, and liturgical prayer. The Lord’s Day Evening devotionals will correspond with the Advent Sermons from Coram Deo Church. The Midweek Evening devotionals have been provided by the pastors to encourage your waiting, longing, and hopeful expectations during the week.

This Advent season, fix your eyes and heart on Jesus, He is our Immanuel, God with us!

Pastor Brandon Johnston

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